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Spring World Jewelry

Spring World Jewellery, founded in 2015 by Montaser Rifaat AlTawil, specializes in producing designed and handcrafted 21-carat gold jewelry under the company’s commercial proprietary brand name Mynt Jewelry

Spring World Jewellery

Spring World Jewellery

Spring World Jewellery, founded in 2015 by Montaser Rifaat AlTawil, specializes in producing designed and handcrafted 21-carat gold jewelry under the company’s commercial proprietary brand name Mynt Jewelry. Mynt Jewelry’s factory is equipped to manufacture various types of jewelry, including modern handcrafted products and diamond jewelry that is displayed and sold in jewelry stores throughout Jordan, as well as via direct sales channels. Currently, Mynt Jewelry employs 35 staff members on both the administrative and technical sides and plans to employ 75 by summer 2017 in order to meet wholesaler demands. The company is currently producing approximately 50 kg of jewelry and gold work each month.

The Beginning

Mynt Jewelry gathered a large number of artisans, masters of creation, and one of the most prominent jewelry designers of the region, Promod Dahkan, who has more than 40 years of experience in the field throughout the Gulf and Jordan. He now serves as production manager of the factory. Montaser AlTawil, the company’s General Manager, stated, ‘Mynt Jewelry is based on experience and detailed knowledge of the jewelry industry and global sector trends, both while adhering to the highest standards of design and creativity. As such, the company has witnessed exciting growth over the past year and is looking forward to continuing its evolution at the global level with trade routes into additional markets’.

Characteristics of Success

Entrepreneurs need several qualities to succeed and advance their projects, but the most important skill for any entrepreneur, no matter the business, is the ability to set goals and focus on achieving them; all other skills can branch off from this single objective. With dedication, determination and focus, no matter what obstacles arise in the course of establishing a business, success can always be achieved.

The Challenges

Mynt Jewellery is operating in a highly competitive market filled with similar, well-established local and regional businesses. While competition is always challenging, Mynt Jewelry has, nonetheless, been able to mitigate much of this impact by differentiating Mynt Jewelry pieces through creative, unique designs, a focus on quality and a strong workforce both in production and management. As a result of Mynt Jewelry’s superior ability to adapt, it has been able to adjust to changing market needs and augment product specifications with high efficiency and good technique.

Partnership With Capital Bank

Mynt Jewellery has enjoyed a strong, productive relationship with Capital Bank for many years. Capital Bank helped immeasurably in the initial development phases of Mynt Jewelry by financing a segment of the first batch of raw materials needed to kickstart operations. Capital Bank has since been with us every step of the way, continuing to support and empower the company in its quest for more success and growth.

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